How we can help

Family Services

At Ease USA provides services for all members of families affected by PTSD. That includes kids, spouses, parents and partners.

Services for Families

Support Groups


skills & resources

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Counseling Services

Veterans Services programs provide confidential, individualized counseling services for active military personnel, veterans, frontline healthcare workers and their loved ones regardless of ability to pay.

Virtual Military Spouse & Caregiver Support Group

With this support group, you can expect to gain a deeper understanding of stress, trauma & PTSD, learn to recognize warning signs and triggers, and more.

6 Week Trauma-Informed Yoga Series

At Ease USA is sponsoring two 6 Week Trauma-Informed Yoga Series. Facilitated by Military Veteran, Sundance Miller.

Equine-Assisted Therapy

Interacting with horses in a therapeutic setting creates a connection that helps a veteran open up and begin to heal. This free service is offered in Partnership with Omaha Equestrian Foundation.

Trauma Informed Yoga

This evidence-informed practice has been proven to relieve the impact of PTSD. We focus on breathing, meditation, mindful movement, guided rest and gratitude. Please watch our social media (and check back on our website) for more information.

Teen Talk Group

This group will resume in the near future. Please watch our social media (and check back on our website) for more information!

Contact us for help finding the service that's right for you.

Peer Support Services

At Ease USA utilizes a peer support model to help veterans help one another. Our Peer Support Specialist has lived experience in both military service and successful PTSD management.

Women's Veterans Support Group

The purpose of the Women’s Veterans Support Group is to allow for the opportunity to share and grow from experiences in a safe, confidential, and non-judgmental environment.

Self Defense for Women

In this class you will learn proven self-defense skills and strategies. You will be provided with a plan of action, and several essential techniques to successfully defend yourself and escape an assault attempt.

Military Spouse Support Group

PTSD can cause emotional, physical, mental, and even spiritual strain on relationships. Understanding how PTSD impacts the family system is one of the first steps in opening the conversation and finding resolution. Please watch our social media for more information!

Support our work

How you can help.

As an independent, non-governmental non-profit, the services we provide are directly tied to the contributions we get from individuals like you.  We’re lean, we’re effective and we’re reaching more and more servicemen and women each and every year. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Donations may be made in honor or in memory of a military or medical hero.