Get involved

Heroes on the Green Golf Outing
Join us for our Golf Outing on Friday, May 23 at Tregaron Golf Course in Bellevue.
- Check-in at 9am
- Shotgun Start at 10am

Forge Ahead 5K Run
The Forge Ahead 5K will take place on Saturday, June 7th at Walnut Creek Recreation Area, Highway 370 & 96th in Papillion.
- Check-in at 8am
- Race Begins at 9am

Camp Recharge
Calling all military families! Pack your bags for a weekend full of adventure, relaxation, and family fun. We’re combining the thrill of the outdoors with the benefits of wellness activities, designed just for you!
- June 13-15, 2025
Check back soon for information about our events as it becomes available. Thank you for your support.

Salute to Service Tailgate
Bring you family and join others in the military community to cheer on your favorite football team.
- November 16, 2024
- A View West Shores

At Ease USA Benefit Luncheon
We will be proud to welcome Shoshana Johnson as our Keynote Speaker. Specialist Johnson has received numerous awards and recognition for her courage, valor, and service to the United States. This year's luncheon will take place on October 9, 2024 at CHI Health Center.

Forge Ahead 5K Run
The Forge Ahead 5K will take place on Saturday, June 8th at Walnut Creek Recreation Area, Highway 370 & 96th in Papillion.
- Check-in at 8am
- Race Begins at 9am

Silent Salute to Freedom
Join us for a family friendly indoor Third of July event, where service members and their families can enjoy this day replacing the traditional “noises” of fireworks, with music, dancing, games, laughter, and more.
- July 3rd, 2024
- A View West Shores

Get your Yard Sign!
As part of PTSD Awareness Month in June, At Ease USA will be providing yard signs to create awareness of PTSD leading up to the Independence Day. Request yours or volunteer to help deliver them.

Get your Yard Sign!
As part of PTSD Awareness Month in June, At Ease USA will be providing yard signs to create awareness of PTSD leading up to the Independence Day. Request yours or volunteer to help deliver them.

Memorial Day Ride
The Memorial Day Vets4Vets Mission MTB ride will take place on May 26th at Platte River State Park.
- Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips & water provided
- Meet at 10am at Teepee Village
- New Date!

Facing PTSD Together – Continuing Education Conference
This year's conference will take place at the Scott Conference Center in Omaha, Nebraska on November 3, 2022. Clinicians will earn 7.5 CEUs.